Monday, December 30, 2019

The Odyssey By Homer - 829 Words

The Odyssey by Homer tells the story of a Greek warrior named Odysseus, who faces challenges placed upon him by the supernatural, or more specifically, the Greek gods and monsters. His journey begins while sailing home from Troy, where Odysseus had won the Trojan war for the Greeks. Odysseus’ ship is forced to dock on many islands, most of which have hostile environments. Odysseus serves as the model for an epic hero, a fictional character who possesses many traits admirable to his or her society. The character also follows a code of honor and is willing to sacrifice themselves for the weak, such as women or children. Though this idea comes from an ancient story, it is relevant in modern popular culture. For example, Harry Potter, a hero†¦show more content†¦His emotions can also be represented by the violent genocide he commits. In addition, Harry is in a similar situation to Odysseus’. When Harry catches up to Quirrell, who has Voldemort fused to the back of his head, he engages in a quarrel with them. Harry contends blindly, not knowing if the odds are on his side. Luckily, his mother had bestowed protective magic inside him before her demise, allowing Harry to triumph against the dark professor. Both characters are involved skirmishes and even face death against their enemies. Not only do Odysseus and Harry fight villains, but both are also fighting to protect something dear to them. Both Odysseus and Harry are on a journey to protect something dear to them. Odysseus protects his house, honor, and family. For example, before Odysseus’ carnage, he ominously says, â€Å"You took my house to plunder, / twisted my maids to serve your beds. You dared / bid for my wife while I was still alive† (22.277-9). Odysseus comes back to protect his household, honor, and family. Before the bloodbath, Telemachus, his son, tells Odysseus about what the suitors have in plan. He learns how the suitors plan to kill Telemachus and force Penel ope to marry. Odysseus is deeply loyal and protective to his family, murdering all who threaten them. He swiftly starts with Antinous, the head honcho, to strike fear into the hearts of the lead suitor’s lackeys. By doing this,

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Conforming And The Technological Era - 1319 Words

Conforming To The Technological Era Nearly 20 years ago when the World Wide Web was released, many people in society had no idea what type of advances were in store for the technological world. Endless opportunities became available worldwide in every avenue of approach, one of those being education. Education has blossomed in the light of technology and will only continue to do so for many generations to come. Although it can be argued that technology is negatively effecting the education system, more innovative ways of learning are becoming available and society has no choice but to conform to these advances. Even though many education systems are embracing the face of technology, some schools are still attempting to hold on to traditional teaching styles. In a 2012 New York Times article, teachers reported a decline in written work, and shorter attention spans which they believe is the result of all of the technological distractions (Richtel). This is just an example of the many concerns coming from teachers and sch ool boards. Another issue they find is that they are being pressed to integrate these new advances into their time tested lesson plans, ultimately taking away from teaching and the student learning. If teachers believe or see that the students are the ones suffering from that, they are going to be less willing to try and understand the concept of technologies role in education. Although these educators have respected opinions, the goal should more so be toShow MoreRelatedThe Evolution of Film-Making Technology1417 Words   |  6 Pagespowerful affecting the way individuals and societies think, act and behave. Among the new Era approaching film, and seeing celluloid film fade is that of the Digital Era and a camera that saw celluloid films passing hastened. The cinematographic camera industry emerged in fact more than 100 years ago, it was only until recently that significant digital changes took place, apart from minimal technological improvements. Before the invention of digital cameras the main medium for shooting a movieRead MoreEvolution Of Architecture Throughout The Centuries Essay1420 Words   |  6 PagesJones, 2000). This factor along with the presence of a skylight, or Oculus means that the crown of the dome, the weakest and most vulnerable area, had little to no weight to carry. Medieval After the fall of the Roman Empire, having lost many technological advancements and achievements, the medieval masons, architects and carpenters fell back on previous, traditional building materials. Small stones, rubble, reused Roman bricks, stone, wood, and simple mortar, were the mainstay for medieval buildersRead MoreThe And The Industrial Revolutions1305 Words   |  6 Pagesused in commerce. Among these IP also includes trade secrets, patents, copyrights, and trademarks. IP and its protection are detrimental to the success of the economy. IPs are the innovations that drive the market forward and they are what created eras like the renaissance and the industrial revolutions. But nowadays it is a lot easier to steal one s idea and pass it on as your own. There lays a major problem that the United State and many countries around the world face. Over $300 billion haveRead MoreThe, Anchor Baby, By Edward E. Telles And Vilma Ortiz1288 Words   |  6 Pagesseasonal under the table picking jobs that come as easy as they go. That is to say, being a first born American from an immigrant family one can anticipate the hardships of building ones bank account from scratch, past first born generations from other eras are inspiring along with empowering in hopes of gaining such successes. In order to gain financial stability we have been taught education is key. Which for the most part is true, it is what we do with our schooling that guides us throughout ourRead MorePrimary Source Evaluation Essay1018 Words   |  5 Pagesmost probably didn’t rely on the profit made on the slaves but on the wages he got for his services making him more objective than those who took this solely as business. It is hard to pinpoint any of his biases except for him conforming to the general stereotype of the era which was that the â€Å"Negro† slaves were species of lesser intelligence than their slave masters. He even saw different tribes of the â€Å"Negro† slaves as different species and this he commonly made mention of in his account. TheseRead MoreA Doll s House By Henrik Ibsen1290 Words   |  6 Pagescapable in society’s eyes, A Doll’s House accurately portrays a topic that is applicable and being discussed in the 21st century. This play effectively uses Realist style writing, with themes portraying conflicting individual and social duties in this era and sheds light on the social expectations that a woman was forced to face then and that women often face today. A Doll’s House, written by Henrik Ibsen in Norway 1879, is a Realist style play that was written during the Realism literary movement.Read More Francis Bacons Scientifically Revolutionary Utopia Essay1077 Words   |  5 Pagesscience and ones own awareness of his environment rather than through religious reforms or social legislation. The seventeenth century marks a period in history where drastic social change occurred. This change, however, was not as much political or technological but religious. During this time, the introduction of ideas and theories, starting with the renown Galileo and Isaac Newton, spread a wave of enlightenment across Europe as people began to question the teachings and the overall infidelity of theRead MoreIntro to Humanities Essay1729 Words   |  7 Pageswas developed in Greece and Rome, and is generally due to philosophy and current literary works during 1400-1650. It is termed Classical Humanism because it was born during that time period. Cla ssical Humanism had an impact during the Renaissance Era. An example of classical humanism is reflected through the Athens Acropolis. This is the trademark monument of Athens and of Greece. Surrounded by the new Athens, the Parthenon still stands proudly over it, a reminder of the old aura of the cityRead MoreThe Catcher In The Rye by J. D. Salinger and Looking For Alaska by John Green1729 Words   |  7 Pagesup in America is an experience unlike no other. Today, American young adults are part of a large generation called the Millenials, who are considered the most educated in American history. They are more open minded, progressive, successful, and technological. However, it is not all sunshine and rainbows for these young Americans who oftentimes have outstanding debt and job prospects that are unacceptably dim. In multiple ways, the reality for a young Millenial in America parallels the life of a youngRead MoreGenerational Differences in the Workplace Essay2022 Words   |  9 Pagesthese groups can be classified as one cohesively beh aving group, based on the eras in which they grew up (social, economic, political, technological influences).† Each individual in the workplace is unique in his or her own way. Some of this uniqueness can be attributed to several factors such as nationality, culture, values, gender and many more. Warner and Sandberg (2010) states, â€Å"people who grow up during the same era tend to be exposed to many of the same stimuli from the surrounding culture through

Saturday, December 14, 2019

First day on the new job Free Essays

First Day on the New Job Many people look forward to the first day of work at a new Job. There are new people to meet, much to learn, and money to be made. While I’ve had other Jobs prior to starting my last Job, nothing could have prepared me for the type of work environment that I encountered when I walked In to begin my employment. We will write a custom essay sample on First day on the new job or any similar topic only for you Order Now The first day of my Job at a retail store was less than pleasing First I come in the store at 10:00 A. M. The manager Introduced the dally meeting In hich she talked about the goal and training of the day. She assigned me the Fitting Room Section, was alone, and the company never gave me the training about â€Å"Work in the fitting room†. The first hour was slow, but little by little, a lot of customers were on line for trying on the outfits, â€Å"Oh my God†, I didn’t know what to do because I had to hang up all the clothes people didn’t want to buy. and I had to assist the customers. Anyway â€Å"First is the first, the customers†. I ask the customers. â€Å"How many Items, do you have? , if the Customer had more â€Å"6† items to try on, this is not allowed Inside the section, only â€Å"6† or less. All the clothes the customers didn’t want were accumulated under the rack. Suddenly a manager entered to the section and said angrily: â€Å"It’s too much, it’s too much†. felt nervous but then I thought â€Å"I won’t mind her because I am alone†. My other co-workers werent there in that moment. I didn’t like my job because I have to work standing up. The most of the people are younger than me In the store. I knew that if I had to work with these people every day t wouldn’t make me feel comfortable. There would be nothing to talk about and we would have nothing in common. They would always be telling me what to do and they thought that I was incapable to do the Job maybe because of my age. I was not looking forward to working with them. The first day on my new Job was uncomfortable. I didn’t want to work with the people who were there, and I wasnt satisfied with the hours and money. They began to give me less hours and I found myself wasting more money on transportation than I was aining working there. How to cite First day on the new job, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Marketing and Color Shampoo free essay sample

This is a class project about marketing plan of new product launched by any company. This project is presented in the course Global Marketing which is offered in MBA. In this project we have to present new product idea and complete marketing plan regarding that new product. 1 Product idea should be new and should not be related with any existing product already launched in the market. If idea is related with any existing product then it must be advanced and much different with that product. pic] 2 My new idea is   under the brand name of SUNSILK and the parent company is Pakistan. 3 Introduction: 4 The new concept is color shampoo under the brand name of SUNSILK which is already famous all over the world. This is the advanced form of shampoos and new feature add up in the shampoo which is coloring hairs as well as removing dandruff and cleaning hairs. 5 Color shampoo is a shampoo which has ability to color your hair every time when you use it. We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing and Color Shampoo or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It is available in different colors and when you use different color shampoo every time it works. Shampoo has ability to clean your hair and remove dandruff but new SUNSILK color shampoo is not for removing dandruff or cleaning hairs but make hairs colorful.   shampoo is alternative of hair color tonic and it works simply. Just apply on your hairs like ordinary shampoo and feel your hair colorful. 7 2 UNILEVER Marketing Objectives: 3 Increase sales Every company has primary marketing objective and that is increase of its sales. Company is made for earning profit and with the help or maximizing sales high profit can be achieved. 4 Increase market share When you try to increase sales actually you try to find your new customers and increase your customer leads. It means you try to maximize your market share. 5 Expand into overseas’ markets 1 Unilever has marketing objective is to expand into overseas market. Unilever always try to operate in different countries. 6 Be socially responsible i. e. ethical 1 Being a part or society Unilever has objective to be responsible social ly . e. ethical. Ethics and common social values must be considered in Unilever’s marketing policies.

Monday, November 25, 2019

5 Building Blocks of Your Characters Personality

5 Building Blocks of Your Characters Personality 5 Building Blocks of Your Character’s Personality 5 Building Blocks of Your Character’s Personality By Mark Nichol Now that you’ve decided what your character’s motivation is, it’s time to actually construct the vessel in which this purpose will reside. Just how do you build a person? By creating a life where none existed. Start at the base, and work your way up: 1. Childhood How was the character’s early life? What was the person’s family like? It doesn’t take much effort to stray too far into pop psychology, but household composition and environment have a significant bearing on personality. So does one’s experiences in school and in social settings as a child and an adolescent. Is domestic trauma in the character’s past? Social stigma at school? An unusual amount of teenage angst? Were they abused, neglected, spoiled, enriched? Were they denied a childhood, or unable to outgrow it? You don’t need to write your character’s biography, but you should know the outline. 2. Relationships Is the character a loner, or a social butterfly? What type of family and friends does the character have? How do they interact with acquaintances and strangers? Do they have a romantic relationship or casual sexual partners? If they’re gay, are they out, or closeted? Are they extremely close to a few friends, or do they have a wide but shallow social circle? 3. Livelihood What does the character do for a living? That may be integral to the story, or it may be incidental. Readers deserve to know, though. But don’t lock in a stereotype. It’s easy to associate personality traits with certain professions or pastimes. What’s not so easy but is oh, so satisfying is to cast against type: How about a happy-go-lucky private eye? A softhearted crook? A wizard who can’t spell straight? Do they like their job? Are they fulfilled, or frustrated? Good at what they do, or inept? How do they relate to those above and below them in the workplace hierarchy? Do they lie, cheat, or steal, or are they a paragon of productivity? Either way, are they rewarded, or punished, or ignored? 4. Pastimes What does your character do after work, on weekends? Where do they vacation? What are their hobbies, interests, passions? Do they have an eccentric or unexpected avocation? Do they have a remarkable skill or talent no one knows about? Are they philanthropic or charitable, or is all their spare time given to family and friends, or are they devoted only to themselves? 5. Outlook Is the sun always shining, or does a perpetual rain cloud perch just over the character’s shoulder? Are they blithe, cheerful, confident? Suspicious, resentful, fearful? Whether your character’s glass is half full or half empty will determine the story’s tone, so check the person’s beverage before you put fingers to keyboard or pen to paper. What are your character’s political views and social opinions? Are they religious? Skeptical? Atheistic? Scientifically minded, or superstitious? Are they charismatic, or a wallflower? So many questions! But so many answers must be provided and many more must be discovered on the journey that is the act of writing. (And some answers may change.) This character design is essential to your success not just for your main character but also, to varying degrees, for major and minor supporting players and for walk-ons. Whether you’re aiming for high literature or genre fiction, the extent to which you care about your characters and their personalities will in large part determine how readers respond to them. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Fiction Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Words for Facial Expressions50 Diminutive Suffixes (and a Cute Little Prefix)Preposition Mistakes #3: Two Idioms

Thursday, November 21, 2019

None Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

None - Assignment Example In instances of strict liability, the requirement of a guilty mind is not required; all that is needed to show criminal conduct is the forbidden action. Strict liability offences are usually not of a serious nature and the laws governing such offences are regulatory. A good examples are offences of pollution. Denunciation in criminal sentencing regime is the act of imposing a severe sentence to an accused person in bids to send a message, that society, in the embodiment of the court does not tolerate the action of the accused person action. It therefore serves to deter individuals from committing similar crimes as well as appeasing the victim as they feel that justice has been served. For instance, a person accused of raping a child, could get a harsher sentence than one accused of raping an adult in order to show that child rape will not be tolerated. It is a defense used in court by person’s who murder their spouse alleging that at the time of the commission of the crime the person was suffering from the battered wife syndrome. It is called the battered woman/wife syndrome because it is a defense mostly used by women. It is a defense for the women who react with force as a defense mechanism stemming from the belief that it is the only way to defend themselves from their assailants. Nevertheless, there is no psychological evidence to support this principle as a defense in criminal law. There are four main principles that govern the adjudication of criminal justice. The first one is the presumption of innocence; that a person is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law of competent jurisdiction. The other is the is the burden of proof; in criminal law, he who alleges proves, thus the onus of proving criminal liability is vested on the prosecution and that of proving defenses put forward by the defense team, is vested in the defense. The other principle is right to remain silent; one has the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 42

Response - Essay Example Here, minerals are also described and this has an implication on the history of human art where minerals were used for painting, architecture and sculpture. The discussion on this passage reflects a lot on the state of knowledge or science in the early Roman period. About knowledge, it reflects how people were able to discover the usefulness of plant minerals in their day-to-day lives including in their architectural works, sculptures as well as painting. The fact that plant minerals could be used in other areas that were not very obvious, is a significant sign a knowledgeable people. On the scientific view, it is evident that the early Romans were already thinking on how useful the plants can be to human being. This majorly shows the application of scientific thought especially in areas such as medicine, horticulture and agriculture. In both the two areas, Beagon tries to relate nature and science, knowledge, culture and art and this comes out nicely when we consider the plants and animal

Monday, November 18, 2019

MBA MARKETING PAPER Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

MBA MARKETING PAPER - Essay Example cess of interaction between the organizations and consumers is undergoing a significant change and hence the process of marketing communication has also changed significantly over the past few years. The big question is that how this changed communication would influence the overall marketing concepts. Today internet is utilized as a great medium of marketing. Organizations have been almost forced to use internet as a medium of marketing mainly because of changing consumer behavior with respect to the change in communication process. With the increase in number users of World Wide Web and internet there would be more use of these two as a medium of marketing communication. There are several operational and commercial advantages that internet provide to the marketers. In reply marketers should properly use the platform of internet as there are opportunities of delivering the contents in varieties of ways. The applicability of internet in the marketing communication process has shown t hat there is huge difference in information and the vehicle that is used to deliver information. According to the discussion in the article, internet is such an agency that enables marketers to integrate different aspects of marketing communication. Marketers can integrate different off line and online tactics with the objective of meeting the overall long term strategic goal of the organization. In internet dominated market place consumers are considered as active participants rather than passive recipients in the communication process. This actually has challenged the functionalist view of communication because today after the arrival of World Wide Web and internet, traditional and hegemonic media has been integrated and converted into a hyper electronic market place where the process of communication between the consumer and the marketer are more dialogic and flexible. Previously marketers are found to be more dependent on some traditional mechanistic communication models and this

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Functionalism In Families And Societies

Functionalism In Families And Societies Functionalists view the family as a nuclear family structure, i.e. a mother, father and 1 or 2 children. Murdock surveyed 250 societies from the small hunting tribes to the large industrialised societies. He found that in every society there was some form of a nuclear family, he concluded from this study that the nuclear family was universal. Murdocks definition of a nuclear family is Within the framework of the nuclear family, Murdock identified with four family functions which if were ignored, society would not exist. Sexual, Reproduction, Economic and Education were the four functions. Similar to Murdock, Tallcott Parsons another functionalist had his own views of what functions the nuclear family should contribute to society. He believed that there were two important roles within the family Expressive and Instrumental. The womens role was the Expressive role as she was the one who raised, nurtured and taught the children the norms and values within the home. The mans role was the Instrumental role because he went out to work to provide financial security for his family. Parsons also identified the family as being the primary agent of socialisation and came up with the warm bath theory primary socialisation (norms and values) and stabilisation of adult personalities (support and love for the adults within the family. Criticisms Functionalists view of the family is similar to a fairy tale, because they ignore the family dynamics and in some families the darker side i.e. abuse, neglect and violence through male domination. Marxism A Marxist perspective of the family saw the family as a means of production and cheap labour whereby they are influenced by capitalism in a capitalist society. Marxists identified three main functions which they saw as a way for the family to fulfil for capitalism. Inheritance of Property means that in order for property to be handed down to a legitimate heir, sexual relationships need to be restricted to one person, thus the offspring would be blood related. For this to happen, The monogamous nuclear family developed with the emergence of private property, in particular the private ownership of the forces of production, and the advent of the state, (cited in Haralambos, M. 1985. 340) The second function is the Ideological Functions which families need to fulfil by socialising children with the ideas that there will always be bosses and workers within a capitalist society. The last function looks at the Unit of Consumption whereby families work to produce goods, which are bought by the families to enable them to be fed and clothed, which bring greater profit for the capitalists. Criticisms Marxists ignore the different structures of families which are found in todays society and with this the different roles within the family. Feminism Feministic views of the family are split into 3 groups, similar to that of the key perspectives. Liberal feminists believe that both the male and the females have equal roles within the family when it comes to the household chores and childcare. Marxist feminists view the women as the producer of future workers and womens oppression stems from capitalism and not the family. Radical feminists view of the family structure is one of patriarchal and that men are seen as the enemy. This type of family within society is also seen by feminists as the key institution in its contribution to maintaining social control Criticisms All three branches of feminism view the nuclear family as the most dominant unit within society, as well as believing that all members of the family serve society, performing different functions. Post Modernist A post modernistic view of the family is at the opposite ends of the scale to functionalism. Post modernists believe that in most societies there are diverse and multi-cultural types of families where members within these units are free to make their own life choices as to how, what and where they live, work and socialise within society. Post modernists also believe that everyone is entitled to the same opportunities in education, healthcare and family support as in their view, there are no class divisions (working and ruling classes), in most societies. Zietlin et al summarises this view of the world, The post modern world is shaped by pluralism, democracy, religious freedom, consumerism, mobility and increasing access to news and entertainment, (Zietlin class handout 2009. 92) Criticisms Because of their views of equal opportunities and freedom of speech and choices they ignore the fact that some people can and do make wrong choices with regards to ignoring the norms and values which are passed down the generations which inevitably upsets the social control aspects in some societies. How the roles and relationships of the family have change over time. Sociologists view childhood as Social Construction because they are biologically distinct from adults, (Harris, M. 2008.44) For this reason I will explain the question in two parts. Children The role of the child within a pre-industrial family (pre 1750), was one of equal standing. As soon as the child could walk and talk they were taught the family trade and were expected to carry on the family tradition. After the industrial revolution came the emergence of the industrial family (1800-1900), when children as young as 6 or 7 were sent to work in factories and down coal mines to bring money into the family home, however this brought about higher mortality rates because children werent as strong as adults. The mortality rates went into decline when the modern industrial family emerged (1900-2000), this is because children were starting to be seen as children and not as cheap labour. Experiences of childhood began to emerge for the majority of children within families, however there are still some societies today that still send their children out to work, but this is now not the norm in todays world. Gender roles and relationships During the pre-industrial years both men and women worked together with other family members. However this all changed between 1750 and 1900 when women were expected to stay at home and be responsible for household chores, childcare and producing the future workforce. This type of family structure was very patriarchal the men had the power so they were the dominators in the family. However this started to change when the modern industrial family emerged between 1900 and 2000, as more women were given the opportunity to become educated, this led to more women in the workforce. This led the family to share the household chores and the childcare and sometimes swap roles within the family if the man became unemployed. Diversity of the contemporary family structure What is a family? This question has been raised by many sociologists and the majority of these have all had different opinion. However in answer to this question, a family can be the nuclear or extended type of family, which are 2 or 3 generations living under one roof. This type of family was more common pre-1750 when families worked with and supported each other, and which still does happen in some cultures and societies i.e. Asian families. Other types of family structures which are more common in Britain today are the one parent families, the step families, the divorced families and the gay and lesbian families who have children. Families today are extremely diverse and multi-cultural through social influences from the media, education and global improvements. Conclusion Throughout this assignment I have paid particular attention to the different views of Functionalism, Marxism, Feminism and Post Modernism. I have given an evaluation of each perspective and have briefly described the changes in roles, relationships and structures within families. I have concluded in my evaluation that my opinion of families and households is one that in todays society of choice, freedom, diversity and multi-cultural structures that post modernism is by far the best view and explanation of society today.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Divine Wind - Racism Essay -- essays research papers

The Divine Wind describes an Australia that is tarnished by racism, hatred and distrust, and yet the novel ends on an optimistic note. Do you agree? The novel is set during a World War. The tension and separation of races during a war seemed evident in Australia. As a multicultural country including Japanese and Aborigine population, conflicting attitudes towards these races had to be imminent. I entirely agree with the above statement due to the unequal treatment of the aborigines, tension between the Japanese population and characters such as Hart showing lack of trust over his lover Mitsy With a war against the Japanese was the trigger for racism in Australia. All throughout the novel elements of separation are presented. The Japanese are somewhat divided from white Australians. First of all Broome has a â€Å"Register of Aliens†, this was a register or list that kept track of foreign people. This implied that foreigners were seen as aliens and that they didn’t really belong in Australia. The Sennosukes’ names had to be changed because their original names seemed â€Å"†¦too foreign to our ears.† The Japanese living area is Chinatown shows the reader that perhaps whites have put the Japanese into their own little area. Chinatown contains houses that are far smaller and in general with little fortunes unlike the white Australians. It is the broad attitude towards the Japanese that creates a war and endlessly kills Alice. Aborigines are treated unequally and are downgraded in Broo...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Eco/561pr †Economics Essay

In modern society people desire goods and services that provide a more comfortable or affluent standard of living. We want bottled water, soft drinks, and fruit juices, not just water from the creek. We want salads, burgers, and pizzas, not just berries and nuts. According to MC-Connell (2008) â€Å"Economics, which is the social science concerned with how individuals, institutions, and society make optimal choices under conditions of scarcity.† Scarce economic resources mean limited goods and services. Scarcity restricts options and demands choices. Because we â€Å"can’t have it all,† we must decide what we will have and what we must forgo. Consumers are purposeful in deciding what goods and services to buy. Business firms are purposeful in deciding what products to produce and how to produce them. Government entities are purposeful in deciding what public services to provide and how to finance them. Economist develops economic principles and models at two levels macroeconomics and microeconomics. Macroeconomics examines either the economy as a whole or its basic subdivisions, such as the government, household, and business sectors. Macroeconomics seek to obtain an overview or general outline of the structure of the economy relationship of its major aggregates. We can see it as an economic measure of total output, total employment, total income, aggregate expenditure, and the general level of prices in analyzing various economic problems. On the other hand microeconomics is the part of economics concerned with individual units such as a person, a firm, or industry. At this level economist observe the detail of an economic unit, or very small segment of the economy. Micro measures the price of a specific product, the number of employees in a small business, the revenue of a particular individual. These means individuals and society face economizing problem because their wants exceed their income and they must decide what to purchase and what to for go. Some of the tools we can use to measure this process is a graphically, budget line which is a line in a graph with the various  combinations of two products that a consumer can purchase with the specific income, giving the prices of the two products. Other tools for economist to measure and illustrate society’s economizing problem through production possibilities analysis. This use tables and curves that show the different combinations of good and services that can be produced in a fully-grown economy. Economists most often use graphs to illustrate their models. By understanding these â€Å"graphs† you can more readily comprehend economic relationships. Most of economic principles or models explain relationships between just two sets of economic facts, which can be conveniently represented with two-dimensional graphs. Since income is the determining factor, we represent it on the horizontal axis of the graph, as is customary. And because consumption depends on income, we represent it on the vertical axis of the graph, as is also customary. Actually, what we are doing is representing the independent variable on the horizontal axis and the dependent variable on the vertical axis. Also it’s very important to understand lines which can be described in terms of their slopes. The slope of a straight line is the ratio of the vertical change to the horizontal change between any two points of the line. We can concluded that Graphs and lines are a convenient and revealing way to represent economic relationships. Over time, technological advances and increases in the quantity and quality of resources enable the economy to produce more of all goods and services, that is, to experience economic growth. Society’s choice as to the mix of consumer goods and capital goods in current output is a major determinant of the future location of the production possibilities curve and thus of the extent of economic growth. References: Mc-Connell, B. (2008). Economics: Principles, Problems, and Policies, (16th ed.). : .

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Steroids

Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids are man mad substances related to male sex hormones. Anabolic refers to muscle building and Androgenic refers to increased masculine characteristics. Steroids are supposed to be available only through prescription to treat abnormally low amounts of testosterone, such as delayed puberty and some types of impotence. They can also be prescribed to treat body wasting in AIDs patients and other diseases that result in the loss of muscle mass. Anabolic steroids can be taken orally or injected. They are usually taken in cycles of weeks or months which is a process known as cycling. Cycling involves taking many doses of the substance ove a period of time, stopping than starting up again. Steroid users often times combine several different types of steroids to maximize effectiveness while minimizing negative effects, this form of usage is known as stacking. The major side effects from abusing steroids can include liver tumors and cancer, jaundice, an increase in LDL which is bad cholesterol and decrease in HDL or good cholesterol. Users can have severe psychiatric problems leaving the user with sever mood swings including manic like symptoms that often result in violence. Depression often is seen when the drug is stopped, which can contribute to dependence on the drug. Other symptoms that a person may suffer are paranoid jealousy, extreme irritability, delusions and impaired judgement. Over the past several years steroids have become much more of an issue in professional sports than ever before. Just last month Major League Baseball had their hearings on steroids. This was shortly following the release of Jose Conseco's book "Juiced". Throughout this book Conseco made claims that many people including himself throughout the league had used steroids in the past. In a 60 minutes interview Conseco claimed that in his sixteen year career he took steroids from the first game of his first season all ... Free Essays on Steroids Free Essays on Steroids Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids are man mad substances related to male sex hormones. Anabolic refers to muscle building and Androgenic refers to increased masculine characteristics. Steroids are supposed to be available only through prescription to treat abnormally low amounts of testosterone, such as delayed puberty and some types of impotence. They can also be prescribed to treat body wasting in AIDs patients and other diseases that result in the loss of muscle mass. Anabolic steroids can be taken orally or injected. They are usually taken in cycles of weeks or months which is a process known as cycling. Cycling involves taking many doses of the substance ove a period of time, stopping than starting up again. Steroid users often times combine several different types of steroids to maximize effectiveness while minimizing negative effects, this form of usage is known as stacking. The major side effects from abusing steroids can include liver tumors and cancer, jaundice, an increase in LDL which is bad cholesterol and decrease in HDL or good cholesterol. Users can have severe psychiatric problems leaving the user with sever mood swings including manic like symptoms that often result in violence. Depression often is seen when the drug is stopped, which can contribute to dependence on the drug. Other symptoms that a person may suffer are paranoid jealousy, extreme irritability, delusions and impaired judgement. Over the past several years steroids have become much more of an issue in professional sports than ever before. Just last month Major League Baseball had their hearings on steroids. This was shortly following the release of Jose Conseco's book "Juiced". Throughout this book Conseco made claims that many people including himself throughout the league had used steroids in the past. In a 60 minutes interview Conseco claimed that in his sixteen year career he took steroids from the first game of his first season all ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The History of the Telescope and Binoculars

The History of the Telescope and Binoculars Phoenicians cooking on sand first discovered glass around 3500 BCE, but it took another 5,000 years or so before glass was shaped into a lens to create the first telescope. Hans Lippershey of Holland is often credited with the invention sometime in the 16th century. He almost certainly wasn’t the first to make one, but he was the first to make the new device widely known. Galileo’s Telescope The telescope was introduced to astronomy in 1609 by the great Italian scientist Galileo Galilei   the  first man to see the craters on the moon. He went on to discover sunspots, the four large moons of Jupiter and the rings of Saturn. His telescope was similar to opera glasses. It used an arrangement of glass lenses to magnify objects. This provided up to 30 times magnification and a narrow field of view, so  Galileo could see no more than a quarter of the moons face without repositioning his telescope. Sir Isaac Newton’s Design Sir Isaac Newton  introduced a new concept in telescope design in 1704. Instead of glass lenses, he used a curved mirror to gather light and reflect it back to a point of focus. This reflecting mirror acted like a light-collecting bucket the bigger the bucket, the more light it could collect. Improvements to the First Designs   The Short telescope was created by Scottish optician and astronomer James Short in 1740. It was the first perfect parabolic, elliptic, distortionless mirror ideal for reflecting telescopes. James Short built over 1,360 telescopes.   The reflector telescope that Newton designed opened the door to magnifying objects millions of times, far beyond what could ever be achieved with a lens, but others tinkered with his invention over the years, trying to improve it. Newton’s fundamental principle of using a single curved mirror to gather in light remained the same, but ultimately, the size of the reflecting mirror was increased from the six-inch mirror used by Newton to a 6-meter mirror 236 inches in diameter. The mirror was provided by the Special Astrophysical Observatory in Russia, which opened in 1974. Segmented Mirrors The idea of using a segmented mirror dates back to the 19th century, but experiments with it were few and small. Many astronomers doubted its viability. The Keck Telescope finally pushed technology forward and brought this innovate design into reality. The Introduction of Binoculars The binocular is an optical instrument consisting of two similar telescopes, one for each eye, mounted on a single frame. When Hans Lippershey first applied for a patent on his instrument in 1608, he was actually asked to build a binocular version. He reportedly did so late that year.   Box-shaped binocular terrestrial telescopes were produced in the second half of the 17th century and the first half of the 18th century by Cherubin d’Orleans in Paris, Pietro  Patroni in Milan and I.M. Dobler in Berlin. These were not successful because of their clumsy handling and poor quality. Credit for the first real  binocular telescope goes to J. P. Lemiere who devised one in 1825. The modern prism binocular began with Ignazio Porros 1854 Italian patent for a prism erecting system.

Monday, November 4, 2019

IKEA Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

IKEA - Research Paper Example is native land Smaland, south Sweden).IKEA is known for it’s up to date architectural designs that fit various kinds of furniture and appliances, and has got interior design work that is most of the time related with an eco-friendly ease (Baxter, Landry, 2010). Apart from this IKEA is famous for its keenness to cost control, constant product development and operational details, corporate features which permitted IKEA to review its prices downwards by an average of 2 or 3 percent over the ten years to 2010 during an era of global development. As of the beginning of 2014, IKEA proudly owns and operates 349 stores in over 43 countries. In financial year 2010, IKEA sold over US$23.1 billion worth of goods, a sum that signified a 7.7% increase over 2009.IKEA’s website contains over 12,000 products and is the closest depiction of the complete IKEA range. Apart from that there were over 470 million guests to IKEA’s websites from the year September 2007 to September 2008.IKEA spends just about 1% of the world’s supply of wood, making it one of the biggest users of wood as far as retail sector is concerned(Baxter, Landry, 2010). IKEA was formed in 1943, mainly as mail-order sales company. IKEA started selling furniture about five years afterwards. The very first store opened its doors to the public in 1958 at Smaland whereas the first stores outside of Sweden opened their doors in Denmark (1969) and Norway (1963).The stores later on extended to other European parts in the 1970s with the very first store outside of Scandinavia being opened in Switzerland in 1973 and Germany branch opened later in 1974. IKEA’s current products includes furniture, decorative and linen accessories are typified by some exceptional features, for instance, IKEA’s 2013 furniture fabrics are very illustrious with its unique designs;ethnic,romantic,pop and contemporary. Thus IKEA has produced interesting designs which are bound to keep people talking for months. In 2013, IKEA offered

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Value enhancement of retail properties Term Paper

Value enhancement of retail properties - Term Paper Example tenant and his customers. The next question is to ask â€Å"how is value enhanced?† The answer to this question connotes that value is not stagnant but can get better with time and through various processes of addition or subtraction. This process is referred to as value analysis or value engineering. According to the proponents of value analysis and value engineering, value can be enhanced by sustaining or making improvement on its performance and or reducing the overall cost of the project, product, service etc. The concept of value enhancement means maximizing the value of something, in our case, the retail property. Before value is enhanced there has to be a series of processes which establish value drivers and how they relate with the overall product service or business units (Kothandraman & Wilson, 2001). In the following sub-sections we will attempt to establish the fundamentals and assumptions of value enhancement by reviewing available literature on theories of value with regard to business processes, products and services. Through literature review we will also identify the value drivers with the aim of understanding the concept of value enhancement in relation to property management for retail chains (Zeithaml, 1988). Ideally the concept Value enhancement has been used in different field including but not limited to business management, land economics, engineering, finance etc. In most cases value enhancement will entail processes similar to value analysis or value engineering (Abd-Karim, et al., 2011). There are several value enhancement factors which can be applied to products, services and business processes and systems. These ways include quality enhancement, analysing the relationship between cost and function, improving the function of a product at low cost, adding functions of a product at no cost, innovation, instigating patent and protested rights, elongating the age of a product or

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Human Resource- Succession Planning & Strategic International HRM Essay

Human Resource- Succession Planning & Strategic International HRM - Essay Example Soft competencies, is what the organization needs to focus on. Because of the highly volatile business environment, skill needs change rapidly, making it imperative to focus on soft competencies. Employees should be evaluated based on their capabilities to solve complex issues. The company should focus on long-term succession planning so that any emergency replacements are automatically taken care of. Competencies are groups of related behaviors essential for successful performance. Because of the global operations, the organization needs managers competent with general mobility skills and knowledge. This would ensure managers are effective in group processes, possess the necessary communication skills and are ready to adapt to the changing business needs and environment. Other general competencies that would facilitate success in the global economy include the ability to build a cohesive team and the competency to encourage and motivate employees to accept change. This requires developing a talent management culture within the organization so that talent when recognized should immediately be tapped, trained and developed. Talent management should best be left to the HR personnel as they are professionals and are aware of the benefits and pitfalls of succession planning. They are better positioned to identify gaps between current competencies and those that may be required in the future. To identify talent gaps, more sophisticated rating system should be used. Once high-potential employees have been identified they should be provided with developmental opportunities and experiences. This is strategic replacement strategy where formal identification follows training of successors. In addition, comprehensive job profiles for managerial position would attract the right candidates. The organization should also focus on rewarding loyal and hardworking individuals as this serves to enhance

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Principles for Implementing Duty of Care in Health Essay Example for Free

Principles for Implementing Duty of Care in Health Essay In my work I have a duty of care to the young people I work with. This means their health, safety, wellbeing and emotional development is my responsibility. For me to do this I follow company policies and procedures and when needed seek advice from the appropriate people. Ac3. Explain where to get additional support and advice about conflicts and dilemmas. While at work for any support I need I firstly will talk to the other member of staff I am on shift with. After that I may call a senior in the office or the out of hour’s duty manager. If problems are still not solved then for the safety of the young person I may need to call the police depending on the situation. 054.3 Ac1. Describe how to respond to complaints. If a yp wants to make a complaint about anything my first action would be to try and resolve the issue myself. After that it may need to go higher up to a senior or my manager, failing that I would assist the yp to fill in a complaint form and then hand it to the manager who would then take the appropriate action from thee. Ac2. Explain the main points of agreed procedures for handling complaints. †¢ Minor/informal complaints such as a yp complaining about the dà ©cor in their bedroom may be dealt with by staff verbally but it still must be recorded on a complaint form and handed to the operations manager. A record will be made in the complaints log. The complaint will be dealt with in 14 days and a written response will be given to the complainant regarding the outcome. †¢ Serious complaints must be written down within two working days and be fully responded to in writing. The complaint must be handed to the operations manager who then should notify the managing director of keys using a complaint referral form. All serious complaints must be resolved within 35 days. †¢ All serious/written complaints must be recorded briefly on a complaints form and in the central complaints file. They will be counted and audited on a monthly basis. The full investigation details will be filed in an individual investigation file. †¢ The operations manager must ensure all serious complaints are entered onto the weekly complaints report by the nominated office. †¢ Any complaint received externally must be logged in the homes central record and copies of any correspondence must also be held in the home. †¢ Copies of any correspondence and the fully completed appendix one must be sent to the complaints administrator at Rawtenstalll office who will ensure the checklist id fully completed.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner

The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner Samuel Taylor Coleridges The Rime of the Ancient Mariner is said to be his attempt to bring supernatural terrors to a naturalistic setting. Some critics have argued that the moral truths of the poem are not only unintelligible but also irrational. But for other critics, this irrationality is what gives the poem its greatest quality. In analyzing and critiquing Coleridges poem, an in depth analysis of the irrational is needed. This irrationality is not Coleridges failure to explain the supernatural but actually an evidence of its Christian moral code and that the poems irrationality emerges because of Coleridges inner conflict with his conversion from Unitarianism to the Anglicanism religion. This hermeneutic must be in mind when attempting to interpret Coleridges poem. Before we can look at modern critics such as Christopher Stokes, J Robert Barth, John T Netland, and even Jerome J. McGann, we must first look at how earlier critics have looked at Coleridges work through a Christian eyes. The article Coleridge And The Luminous Gloom: An Analysis Of The Symbolical Language In The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner' by Elliott B. Gose, Jr. examines the poem through a Christian perspective only because Gose believes the poem is filled with Christian trappings (239). Gose shows how symbols carry a Christian ideology and spends considerable time on examining how the sun (whether glorious or red) represents God while the other forces in the poem represent the forces of nature. In the end, Gose claims that nature is subordinate to God and that the Mariners voyage does not deal with a physical voyage but it represents a Romantic urge to explore the eternal soul and the temporal emotions (244). But throughout the article, Gose fails to fully explain the other stran ger elements in Coleridges poem. For instance, he brings up life-in-death, who wins the Mariner in a gamble, but then dismisses her by stating how she is obviously outside the Christian hierarchy and is connected with a whole strand of non-Christian figures, incidents, and images in the poem (242). He interprets this from the obscure explanation given from the gloss and continues with the rest of the poem still in Christian ideological framework. More modern critics will point out how though much of the poem seems to use Christian terms, the more stranger elements and the ambiguous details create distance between familiar and unfamiliar which gave trouble to many earlier Christian critical readings of Coleridges text. Goses confusion with the gloss and its obscure Christian emphasis can be explained in Reading And Resistance: The Hermeneutic Subtext Of The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner by John T Netland. He suggests that the poem displays an incongruous mixture of pagan and Christian symbols (38) and examines the use of the gloss as a hermeneutic. Although the gloss-writing editor is responding to the original poem and seeks to interpret it for a modern audience, the editor marginalizes the Mariners experiences and emphasizes the Christian overtones of the poem. Netland states the gloss and the poem itself create a unique tension between contrasting religious imaginations (41). One is a world of categorized and rational set of religious experiences (inferred from gloss) while the other a spiritual, mystical, irrational religious sublimity (from the poem). Netland states that Coleridge may have gotten his idea from Bibles at that time with their gloss notes that gave a clearer interpretation of the b iblical text. This is very similar to Jerome J. McGanns examinations in his brilliant article, The Meaning Of The Ancient Mariner, where McGann briefly details the poems history from its initial criticism to Coleridges embracing of Christian ideology to his Higher Critical analytics of the re-interpretative process of the Bible to Coleridges attempt in mimicking this layered hermeneutic upon his own work. McGann points to the fact that Coleridges poem was originally a literary ballad among all the other lyrical ballads found Wordsworths printed work, Lyrical Ballads. With the second edition, and with Wordworths concerns, Coleridge made alterations to make the poem less a literary ballad and more a lyrical ballad. Coleridge may have realized what he was doing was similar to what occurred in Biblical narratives. Coleridge had argued in length on issues of Higher Criticism that Scriptures were not an unmediated and fixed biblical text but an evolved and continuously evolving set of rec ords which include the Churchs later glosses on and interpretations of the earlier documents (47). McGann remarkably suggests that Coleridges revised version of his poem shows four clear layers of development: (a) an original mariners tale; (b) the ballad narrative of that story; (c) the editorial gloss added when the ballad was, we are to suppose, first printed; and (d) Coleridges own point of view on his invented materials (50). The last shows Coleridges own theory of religious and symbolic interpretation. McGann believes that The Rime of the Ancient Mariner is Coleridges imitation of a culturally redacted literary work (51). But coming back to Netlands article, the gloss, he believes, becomes an inadequate hermeneutic for analyzing the poem. Netland suggests that the gloss is inadequate as a hermeneutic since the editor reduces the Mariners spiritual journey, actions, and sufferings into a straight-forward neat plot to emphasize Christian redemption. Netland states that the Marinerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦has experienced something of the religious sublime (whether real or delusive), and his compulsive retellings of his story point to the inexplicable profundity of his experience (51). The writer of the gloss fails to understand this and the gloss represses the Mariners heightened religious experience. Netland suggests that we instead respond like the stunned Wedding Guest which is far more consistent to Coleridgean hermeneutics when analyzing the journey of the Mariner. But can the gloss be ignored? McGann disagrees and states that the changes (as well as the addition of the gloss) from 1798 to 1817 show an important story in Coleridges development of the purposes of his poem. Many believed that these changes were a reactionary movement in which a daring and radical poem is transformed into a relatively tame work of Christian symbolism (42) when Coleridge retreated from his radical views to his later Christian ideology. McGann, in his article, dives deeply into Coleridges understanding of the Higher Critical analysis of the Christian Bible to show Coleridges Hermeneutic Model of his poem originating from his ideas of the process of the Bibles creation. Coleridge saw how Gods Word was expressed and later reexpressed through commentary, gloss, and interpretation by particular people at different times according to their differing lights (43). Coleridges poem is presented as just this type of reinterpreted text retaining its own ideological coherence e ven through the fragmentation from reinterpretation. McGann states that the poem shows Coleridges process of textual evolution and the symbolic meaning of that process is a Christian redemptive one. We can see how the very nature of religion affected Coleridge in his earlier 1798 version and his later 1817 version (with gloss) and can conclude that the poet himself and his faith must be examined. J. Robert Barths book, Romanticism and Transcendence: Wordsworth, Coleridge, and the Religious Imagination, delves deeply into Coleridges theories, struggles, and faith. Although, he spends the first four chapter exploring Wordsworths works and how it practices Coleridges theories of imagination, he examines closely the nature of religion in The Rime of the Ancient Mariner in chapter 6. Although Coleridge had theological speculations, he was a practical Christian (89). Coleridge believed in living out the practical aspects of his faith. Barth does not give a complete examination of Coleridges poem, but hones in to what he believes gives strength and beauty to Coleridges poetry. The notion of polarity (a balance or reconciliation of opposites (6)) is central to Coleridges theories of ima gination. Opposite objects, qualities, or tensions exist within the same field of force' (6). Barth also looks at prayer as a means of bringing these two forces into harmony (natural and supernatural). Coleridge is concerned with prayer but at a deeper level as a means of uniting the creature with the Creator (90). Coleridges guilt and need for redemption is bound to his longing for forgiveness and friendship with God. Coleridge calls prayer the the effort to connect the misery of Self with the blessedness of God (90). It is a means of connecting the natural to the supernatural, the temporal to the eternal, and the immanent to the transcendent. Barth states that even though Coleridge does move from his Unitarian ideology to his Christian ideology, a shift that can be seen in the poem and its revision, this idea of prayer is still deep within Coleridges soul. Although, Barth explores prayer within the poem during Coleridges conversion, this shift of faith can be explored further as m eans for a proper hermeneutic in interpreting Coleridges poem. Christopher Stokes article My Soul In Agony: Irrationality And Christianity In The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner explores the struggle between the physical and the spiritual world in Coleridges poem. His poem contains strange elements that seem unintelligible and irrational. Stokes states that these elements stem from Coleridges Unitarian moral theory that he subscribed to at the time. Because these strange elements are unintelligible, there is an ambiguity between the supernatural events and orthodox religion. Though much of the poem seems to use Christian terms, there is still details that are ambiguous and this creates distance between familiar and unfamiliar. Stokes states that these ambiguous moments create a divided tone and he claims this is from Coleridges difficult transition from Unitarianism to Anglican Christianity. Coleridge struggled with Christianitys concept of original sin and a closer examination must be conducted to understand why he possibly struggled with it. The concept and doctrine of Original Sin was developed by the early Roman church and was based on Pauls teachings found in the Book of Romans. In the Old Testament (specifically from Genesis), Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the Garden and the result was that they were cursed and banished out of the Garden. Because of the actions of Adam and Eve, sin (a propensity to disobey God) originated in the Garden and continued to all future generations. Paul teaches a reinterpretation of this Genesis story. In Romans 5.12, Paul states that just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned. At the time of Pauls teaching, audiences of the early Gospels will be familiar with the story of Jesus (especially since Mark and Matthew may have been circulating prior to Romans being written). The audiences would understand that Jesus died as a sacrificial lamb for the sins (actual personal committed sins; a personal disobedie nce) of all man. But Paul goes to reinterpret Christs death to add that Jesus died to not only remove our personal sins but also to remove the hold of original sin on humanity which results in death. For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous (Romans 5.19). This meant that all humanity was guilty for their personal sins and guilty for the sin of Adam and Eve that was passed to generations. Later under the Roman church, Saint Augustine of Hippo taught that all of humanity was in a state of sin that came from Adam. Man is born with sin and a weakened free-will that gravitates toward sin. Adam and Eves sin and guilt is carried onto each generation (Kelley, 34-38). This was the concept of Original Sin. This is a belief that is still held today by Catholics and Protestants (although, it may vary based on demonization). But Unitarians do not believe in the concept of Original Sin. They do not believe that the sin of Adam and Eve corrupted all of humanity and that we still carry their guilt. They state it would contradict the love and justice of God to attribute to us the sin of others, because sin is ones own personal action (JoÃÅ' zsef, 107). This was a key to why Coleridge struggled in his conversion to Christianity and is evident in his poem. Stokes, in his article, explains the struggle readers have with the strange and irrational elements in the poem are reflective and evidence of Coleridges struggle in his departure from Unitarian ideology to Anglican ideology. An example can be seen with the killing of the Albatross which many critics agree is a strange element to the poem. The Mariner simply kills the bird with no thought prior and the only shock is from the Wedding Guest. The crew at first thought it wrong, but then agreed that the bird was bad luck. Without the gloss notes (and in the original 1798 version), it seems that even nature is unmoved by something that seemed like a crime and the reader isnt given any reason that the killing set any clear event in motion (a determinative effects of motives based on Unitarian moral theory (5)). The albatross death is a powerful but initially unintelligible event but has no obvious moral or religious significance (6). Coleridge, after his conversion and firming in Christian ideology, comes to term with original sin and revises his work (through additions, subtractions, and including a gloss for the poem) giving it a more Anglican tone. The gloss becomes an Anglican hermeneutic bringing the poem under a Christian ideology and moral order. The poem under the gloss gives it a Christian salvational trajectory (20). It is only through the gloss (and Coleridges later revision in 1817) that we learn that the ancient Mariner inhospitably killeth the pious bird of good omen. Stokes understands the common critical belief that the Mariner conspicuously relies on Christian rituals and beliefs . . . the Christian doctrine fails to explain his world of excessive suffering and irrational events (11). But he states that before we dismiss these strange elements as irrational, we must explore Coleridges religious thinking at the time of writing the poem and both its revisions. It is only through the examination of his personal faith and conversion that we can develop a proper hermeneutic to interpret Coleridges poem. It would be erroneous to assume irrationality as a failure of the poems Christian moral code. One must look at Coleridges conversion as well as his struggle with the Christian doctrine of original sin that creates the irrational or at least creates ambiguous language. It is only through this hermeneutic that we can fully understand and appreciate Coleridges poem where he attempts to understand and present to us the concepts that are beyond understanding.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Inside pages :: Computer Science

Inside pages IMPLEMENTATION ============== Version 1 Front and Back page First I inserted a line; this indicates to me that it is splitting the front page and back page. This was then followed up by a textbox on the back page for the surgery times, emergencies and contact number. The last thing I did on the back page was inserting the logo, address, telephone number and surgery name these were imported from the Shared area. The front page included a text box for the title and a hamster picture. The hamster picture was imported from the Shared area. Inside pages The inside pages only consisted of two text boxes and a hamster picture. One would take up nearly all of one inside page and the other just a bit over half an inside page. Then I went to the Shared area for a hamster picture. This picture was similar to the front page hamster picture but was not the same. Version 2 Front and back pages First I opened the program Microsoft Publisher to carry on my implementation of Task 1. I had got the information of the surgery times, emergencies and contact number from the Shared area. I typed this in the text box I inserted earlier. Then I went onto the front page to produce the title. This was done in Microsoft Word and was imported into Microsoft Publisher. Inside Pages First of all I open the program, because it is separate. I carry on the work by adding the text. The text could not fit in the frame. So I had to rearrange the font size to make it smaller. Now that the text was added I can carry on to put colour in the leaflet. Version 3 Front and back pages Now I needed to add any design features I need. So the main design features, which was needed was the colour in the leaflet. S o I added the colour in both these pages so that it was the same colour on the front and back page. It covered everything including the text then I clicked the â€Å"send to back† icon and it went to the background. Inside pages The inside pages were different colour to the front and back pages because I decided to use a variety of colours throughout the leaflet. So I chose what colour I wanted and sent it to the background. Version 4 Front and back pages The leaflet looks to be more appropriate now. This leaflet’s front and back page has changed due to more colours to the textboxes. The textboxes and title textbox now contain different colours and different colours to the front and back page.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

One offers a sliding fee and charges $110 to $119 per session

As a very concerned friend and one that has the background to realize that what my friend is undergoing is bordering on severe depression, I   know that she should really seek professional help. Although therapy is expensive, there are certain measures that could be used as an alternative to therapy, but I would be more comfortable if she will go to counseling.This is why I researched a number of internet resources to really identify the best sources for reputable and accredited psychologists, as much as possible I would want her to not be under medication because in counseling she would have a better chance of developing the skills she would need for healthy adjustment to life’s challenges.In psychotherapy, she would be given anti-depression drugs and sometimes it is not as helpful as it is meant to be, and I fear that she may only become dependent on the drugs instead of really learning and realizing her problems and issues.I found the Psych Central website very informativ e and helpful. It has a list of help centers where the fees are not that expensive and some of the sessions can be done online, on the other hand, it also has a list of accredited psychologists and psychiatrists and their contact and office numbers as well as descriptions of their fields of expertise and work experience.I simply went online to find the resources, aside from Psych Central, I also found that San Jose, CA has a list of psychiatrists and psychologists on the yellow pages, but unless I have someone who can refer them, it is not much help.From the Psych Central resource list, I found two probable psychologists that are within the San Jose area, they both offer the first session free of charge and present a very comprehensive introduction to their practice. I feel comfortable with the approaches that the psychologists have on treatment and they have outstanding credentials.One offers a sliding fee and charges $110 to $119 per session and can be bargained if financially inc apable, likewise there is no need to pay for the sessions in advance which would suit my friend’s needs. The other site however does not indicate the schedule of fees.They both work with individuals in counseling and specialize in depression and adjustment problems. The first psychologist however accepts payment sessions through health insurance and she says that the client just have to contact the insurance provider before arranging the first session. This could be advantageous to my friend if she decides to use her insurance plan but I doubt that she would, but it is good to have options.The second therapist however requires that a personal call or an email be sent to her to settle the business side of the counseling sessions, which is basically positive in the sense that my friend would get to communicate with the therapist before she commits to visiting her and her practice is also within the San Jose area and can be checked out anytime if the need arises.I think that my friend would really benefit with the first counselor, she would be given the counseling that she very much needs within her own budget constraints, as well as be able to stay in her apartment and job for the psychologists are within her residence and job. If there is a need for her to be institutionalized, or if she thinks that she might be safer there, and then there are some available institutions in the area, but as for now, I am confident that she would work well with counseling.Resources:Psych for list of therapy centers found at: Lisa Shields Jose Therapy and with Maria Lloyd, MFT Therapist License #38399 check:  

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Rebellion Against Power in Ancient Greece essays

Rebellion Against Power in Ancient Greece essays Rebellion against power in Ancient Greece The government of many city-states, notably Athens, passed through four stages from the time of Homer to historical times. The oligarchic successors of the kings were the wealthy landowning nobles, the " eupatridae," or wellborn. However, the rivalry among these nobles and the discontent of the oppressed masses was so great that soon a third stage appeared. Not only did this lead to the next stage of tyranny but also showed the beginnings of discontent that could culminate in rebellion. Between two and three centuries before this, the Athenian kings had made way for officials called "archons," elected by the nobles. Thus an aristocratic form of government was established. However, the peasants found that under this aristocratic leadership, many if not all of them faced endless cases of oppression. In about 621BC an important step in the direction of democracy was taken; not just as a result of a developing civilisation but in order to try and prevent an enormous uprising from the peasant population. Compiled by Draco, the new code was particularly harsh and draconic after its authors name but unfortunately it did not give the peasants sufficient relief. A revolution was averted only by the wise intervention of Solon, about a generation later. Solon's reforms only delayed the overthrow of the aristocracy, and about 561 BC Pisistratus, supported by the discontented populace, made himself tyrant. After a long reign where Pisistratus two sons continued ruling in his tyrannical footsteps, Greek power emerged into another stage democracy. The Athenians attained popular sovereignty with a minimum of bloodshed and internal upheaval. However, this does not mean that there was no opposition to popular government or to the policies it perused. For the first half of the fifth century, there are reports of two attempts to overthrow the democracy. Plutarch is the only sour...

Monday, October 21, 2019

WHITLAM essays

WHITLAM essays Was the Governor General right to argue that he had the constitutional authority to dismiss the Whitlam Government or was Whitlam correct in arguing that the principle of responsible government should prevail? On the 11th November 1975, the Australian Governor General, Sir John Kerr, dismissed the federal Government of Gough Whitlam and commissioned Opposition Leader Malcolm Fraser as Prime Minister. The dismissal and the events leading to it clearly demonstrated the friction between constitutional authority and responsible government. In a spiral of events, responsible government and the overall concept of democracy was blatantly ignored, and technicalities within the constitution abused, leading to the dismissal of a democratically elected Prime Minister. While the Governor Generals decision was constitutionally allowed, it was certainly not the responsible or democratic Despite their victory in the double-dissolution election of 1974, the Labor Party found themselves once again without a majority in the Senate, deadlocked with the Liberal/National coalition at 29 seats each, with 2 going to the independents.1 They received a further blow with the death of one Labor Senator and the resignation of an other. In this particular situation, according to the Constitution, under Section 15, such vacancies were to be filled by the state from which the former senator came from by a nomination from a joint sitting in the House of Parliament. However in the principal of responsible government and democracy, unwritten convention had developed that the casual vacancy should be filled by a member of the same political party, in this way maintaining the representation of the previous election. Both the New South Wales and Queensland governments broke with this convention and the two vacancies were not filled by the Labor Partys nominees. Even at this early point the tension between writt...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Out of the Dust by Karen Hesse essays

Out of the Dust by Karen Hesse essays Out of the Dust is a story about a girl, Billie Jo, her mother and father are struggling through financial hardship on the farm. The setting is Oklahoma, in 1934, and as we know, life in the thirties is very tough. The book doesn't say much about her father, but in the book, it gives me an impression that he feels a strong connection to their homeland. Her father always wanted to have a boy, so he named his daughter Billie Jo. Her mother comes from superior background. Her mother plays the piano beautifully and, whenever she plays, Billie Jo's father stands in the doorway and watches her with something in his eyes Billie Jo hardly ever sees. Billie Jo also plays piano, but not as good as her mom, and as she says in the book, she wishes she can get her fathers attention, too, like her mom does. Billie Jo's mother is pregnant and they're all looking forward to the baby's arrival. However, before the baby arrives, there is a dust storm. It kills many of their neighbors. So they decide to move to California where things are seems to be better. However, Billie Jos father refuse to move, he says that he has lived through hard times before and he makes his family to stay, too. The climax is the tragedy. Unfortunately, one day, her father leaves a pail of kerosene by the stove and her mother thinks that is water and throws it on the stove. The flames blow out; they kill her mother and the baby. They also burn Billie Jo and permanently leave a scar on her hands, so that playing the piano becomes impossible for her now. Life becomes miserable to Billie Jo's. She has always thinks it is hard to communicate with her father, plus after the death of her mother and the baby, her father becomes more unreachable. Therefore, Billie Jo decides to run away home to get away from the dust and leaves behind everything she has ever loved. ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Project Management and How it Relates to Purchasing and Supply Research Paper - 1

Project Management and How it Relates to Purchasing and Supply Management - Research Paper Example As depicted in this paper, to ensure the success of a project, managers must ensure timely delivery of quality raw materials and other resources as well as proper planning. To ensure that vendors participate in the procurement process, firms are under obligation to issue request for proposal (RFP).Once the vendors receive the RFP, they should submit their proposals. The proposals are then reviewed by selection committee. This paper analyses two ways of improving the assessment of proposals. These include use of preliminary screening and professional review and assessment. Major stages applied during the selection of the most qualified vendor in a proposal include review of all proposal submitted by the vendors, recording the vendor and business requirements, assigning important value for each requirement, assigning performance value to each requirement, computation of total performance value and lastly selection of the successful vendor. In their efforts to create a strong relationsh ip with their clients and suppliers, it is imperative for firms to implement a contract that covers the delivery terms and conditions, duration of a contract and payment terms. Introduction Project management entails the processes that are undertaken by the project managers to ensure that the specific objectives of a project are attained. The key processes include securing, planning, organizing, and managing the available resources (Harold, 2003). On the other hand, purchasing and supply management encompasses the procurement, monitoring of goods while in transit, storage of raw material, the level and quality of supplies. Some of the major factors that determine the success of a project are the availability of raw materials at the required time and quality, the costs of transportation of the raw materials and effective communication between the project managers and the purchasing and supply manager. In this regard, it is clear that project management and purchasing and supply manag ement have a close link that firms cannot overlook. This paper analyses the crucial aspects that covers project management and how it relates to purchasing and supply management. Procurement management Procurement management entails the process of purchasing inputs and other economic resources from the vendors. Economic resources include capital, labor, technology and land that are vital in the production process of a company (Shaw and Felecia, 2010). One of the primary implications of procurement management is that it enables the organisations to negotiate with the suppliers so as to get the best quality inputs at a discounted price. In this way, firms are able to minimize their costs of production thus increasing their level of profitability. Due to limited business operations by smaller business entities, they do not maintain a specific procurement department. However, large companies who are fond of purchasing raw materials in bulk, emulates a comprehensive procurement managemen t process to avoid jeopardizing the production process. Contract management Contract management involves the administration of the contracts made between companies and the vendors, customers, employees and other partners. Major aspects that are covered by contract management include negotiating the terms of contracts, ensuring compliance with the terms and conditions outlined by a contract, as well as making the necessary changes during

Friday, October 18, 2019

Statistics in Business Decision Making Term Paper

Statistics in Business Decision Making - Term Paper Example As discussed in the introduction that this paper will attempt to describe statistical tools such as mean, standard deviation, variance etc. These statistical tools often come under the heading of descriptive statistics as they are the main tools used to collect data quantitatively and present in the more meaningful manner to draw some logical conclusions from the data collected. Once data is collected, it is nothing more than a raw set of data which may provide no clue about the potential information that they may provide. Thus one meaningful way of manipulating the data will calculate the mean or average of the data. It is also important to note that mean values may provide distorted information because of the outliers effect. One large observation value can distort the results and mean values may become more inflated due to the impact of outliers or larger values in the population.Mean value is considered as one of the most significant and important measures especially in finance. There are various uses of this measure in finance i.e. from measuring the average rate of return on an investment to calculating the weighted average rate of return of a portfolio.Similarly, average values are also calculated for studying the costs also as concepts such as average cost, average variable costs, average fixed costs are important concepts to understand in order to make important business decisions because controlling costs is one of the fundamental responsibilities of the managers.

Disability and Economic Change in Africa Research Paper

Disability and Economic Change in Africa - Research Paper Example The analysis is from poverty and being employed to economic responsibility and social participation. According to statistics, 2 persons in 20 are disabled and most live in the upcoming countries. The World Bank also, estimates that 1 in 6 is the poorest. Poverty and disability are closely related directly and inversely, they are causes and consequences of the other. Households subjected to poverty are exposed to disabling situations by lack of diet, little access to medical health care, vulnerability and high chances of accidents. It has a great capacity to destroy the lives of the disabled and burden their families (Ashgate, 698). In this study, the aim is to show the variation of income of homes with and without disabilities. Households with members who are impaired are grouped as the affected households and the others, unaffected households. The research showed that about 300 of 5000 selected households had one or more impaired person, relatively poor. Despite these challenges, there is ignorance concerning the economic importance of focusing on the growth and development of people with disabilities and their supporters. In the country, the source of income is in the agricultural sector therefore, the employment level is very low. The supply is lower than the job demand and the non-disabled are the only employed (Ashgate,712). The marginal farmers do not hire workers rather they depend fully on their physical strengths thus, the impaired have catastrophic consequences. Only males are employed in large number and females left to care for their disabled, so the loss of income by the men results in the high amount of debts (Ashgate, 722). The level of unemployment leads to poor living standards of the family members.

Organization behavoir Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Organization behavoir - Essay Example Organizational behavior in an organization develops over the years of the existence of the organization and is closely linked to what is referred to as organizational culture. Managing organization behavior is a relatively complex process in normal situations, especially if a major change occurs like mergers and acquisitions or other important structural or managerial changes within an organization. There have been many studies and researches on the importance of managing various types of organizational behavior (in various situations) within an organization and studies have clearly pinpointed the relation between organizational behavior, and leadership styles of managers. This paper seeks to explore the various factors associated with organizational behavior with special reference to managing OB in the BAPCO (the Bahrain Petroleum Company). The paper also tries to through light on the link between organizational management and organizational behavior. The paper will argue that a man ger requires certain personality traits and should follow the most appropriate leadership styles in various situations to manage organizational behavior effectively. A Brief Overview of BAPCO and Organizational Behavior: BAPCO is one of the major companies in the Kingdom of Bahrain and the only of its business like, which is the petroleum refining. It was established in 1929 and continues producing a wide range of petroleum products even today. It was jointly owned by the Kingdom of Bahrain and Caltex till 1997, when its full ownership was transferred to the government. BAPCO participate largely in the economy of Bahrain and it employs around 3,000 employees distributed between upstream, the oil production, and downstream, the oil refining. BAPCO is a vibrant and energetic company playing a key role in the development of young Bahrainis. The strategic vision of the company is as follows – â€Å"To manage and operate an integrated oil and gas business, supplying crude oil, pe troleum products and gas to the international and local markets, to create value for our shareholders, customers and employees† (The Bahrain Petroleum Company: Strategic objectives). Training in craft and technical skills has been at the centre of the activities and the Two year programmer, which concluded in May 2008, fulfilled the company vision of creating a pool of talented Bahraini technicians to meet the ever-growing needs of the local industries. Developing young graduates to become the manager of the future has been a pressing concern for the company. BAPCO also supports other major leadership and mentoring programmers, such as the prestigious Crown Prince international scholarship programmer, by providing funding for scholarship, mentors and on the job training opportunities. BAPCO has always shown a strong relationship with its employees through the trade union, and overall spirit of cooperation and this harmony has resulted in constructive resolution of individual a nd companywide issues through regular negotiation meeting. However, there is currently an increased tendency among the PMD (Plant Maintenance employees) to request transfer to other divisions such as ED (Engineering Department) and this has proved to be a major challenge for the general manager of BAPCO to manager this organizational behavior. Organizational behavior: Organizational behavior and culture in organizations are interrelated. Culture in

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Does the Christan salvesen's sickness absence management policy meet Essay

Does the Christan salvesen's sickness absence management policy meet its obligations under the DDA' - Essay Example The inter-war years were tough but Salvesen sold a large number of ships and rode out the difficult period. When the post-war whaling boom ended, Salvesen scaled down its involvement and ended its interest. Looking for new growth areas, an experiment with a revolutionary trawler to freeze fish while still at sea led to the purchase of the company's first cold store in Grimsby in 1958, a move that coincided with the birth of the frozen food industry in the UK. The firm's fledgling distribution operations grew as customers requested transport for their frozen produce. The business continued to diversify its operations, moving into food freezing facilities, house building and the offshore oil industry in the early 1970s. Salvesen began to concentrate its activities in the Food Services division, opening cold stores, expanding food processing facilities and winning a major frozen food distribution contract for UK retailer Marks & Spencer. The business grew with the acquisition of Merchants Refrigerating Company in the USA in 1981 and the generator rental company Aggreko in 1984. Aggreko was a success in the 1980s, opening UK depots, growing French operations and expanding into the USA with the acquisition of Electric Rental Systems. ... Salvesen built up its presence in the frozen food sector in mainland Europe with operations in five countries. In 1995 it also acquired a stake in a German industrial logistics business called Wohlfarth. In September 1997 Christian Salvesen decided to concentrate on its core logistics divisions and diverged Aggreko. Since then Christian Salvesen has built up a blue chip client base, developing partnerships with retailers and manufacturers and targeting markets in mainland Europe. In recent years, Salvesen acquired Industrial logistics businesses in Spain, Germany and France. It has since sold both its food and industrial operations in Germany. It is focused on further expansion of its geographic footprint in Europe and developing an integrated European offering of in-market, shared-use networks. Today, Salvesen has operations in seven countries: Belgium, France, The Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Ireland and the UK. Its chosen market segments are Industrial, Food and Consumer products and it specialises in the strategic management of the outsourced supply chain. These operations are supported by advanced, proprietary ICT systems. The DDA Policy: The Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) covers all UK businesses. The DDA is a UK parliamentary act of 1995, which makes it unlawful for service provider to discriminate against people in respect of their disabilities in relation to employment, the provision of goods and services, education and transport. It is a civil rights law. Other countries use constitutional, social rights or criminal law to make similar provisions. Employment Discrimination laws seek to prevent discrimination based on race, sex, religion,

The State's Tort claims Act in California Research Paper

The State's Tort claims Act in California - Research Paper Example However, it is not everybody that is qualified to file a claim. There are steps that need to be followed in order to file a claim successfully. There are some basic information that must be in a typical claim form. One should also note that there are strict timelines that are set by the California Tort Claims Act and this claims act must be duly followed. Introduction The California State Torts Claims Act stipulates under sections 810-996.6 that before a lawsuit for money damages is brought against a government entity, there must have been a written claim that must have been drafted and presented within the 6-month timeframe and there are usually no exceptions to this rule (Fowler & Fleming, 1968). This means that, one must be very conscious of the fact that they must have filed their cases within a particular frame of time as this would help to keep their options open. A resident of California that has been injured by the government must consider filing a claim even though, they do not intend to sue the government at the moment as this would help to protect their rights as citizens of the state and keep their options of suing the government open in the nearest future. In the tort claims act in California, there are certain procedures that must be followed when a claim is filed against a governmental entity for damages. These procedures actually depend on the type of action that the aggrieved party is presenting before the court of law. One must try to find out from a reputable attorney on the applicable procedure for the claims and the timeframe that they must make the claim as the procedures followed usually depends on the type of damages done. Recognizing when it is necessary to file a claim The government of California might be sued for several reasons. One of the reasons that a citizen of California sues the government is if, the government has violated their fundamental human rights. Other reasons that it becomes necessary to sue the government are if, th e governmental entity is responsible for a death, damage to property or physical injury. If a resident of California is injured by the government, this injury is called a ‘tort’ and the claim that is filed is called the, â€Å"tort claim†, and the person filing this tort claim is usually the injured person and is usually called, the â€Å"claimant.† Thus, the California government code 905, 905.2 stipulates that in order to get money from the government for damages, the claimant must file a tort claim from the governmental entity (Fowler & Fleming, 1968). People that are qualified to file a claim The only person or persons that are qualified to file a claim are person(s) that are filing claims on behalf of themselves or on behalf of someone that was injured. However, a clarification has to be made as to what constitutes an injury. An injury in this case does not necessarily have to be a physical injury, it can be violations on the fundamental human rights of the claimant or damage to the possession of the claimant. This clarification is made under the California Government Code section 910, 910.2 (Fowler & Fleming, 1968). Steps to take to file a claim successfully The California State Government Code section 915 (a) stipulates that a person that is filing a claim against a local government entity or county

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Organization behavoir Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Organization behavoir - Essay Example Organizational behavior in an organization develops over the years of the existence of the organization and is closely linked to what is referred to as organizational culture. Managing organization behavior is a relatively complex process in normal situations, especially if a major change occurs like mergers and acquisitions or other important structural or managerial changes within an organization. There have been many studies and researches on the importance of managing various types of organizational behavior (in various situations) within an organization and studies have clearly pinpointed the relation between organizational behavior, and leadership styles of managers. This paper seeks to explore the various factors associated with organizational behavior with special reference to managing OB in the BAPCO (the Bahrain Petroleum Company). The paper also tries to through light on the link between organizational management and organizational behavior. The paper will argue that a man ger requires certain personality traits and should follow the most appropriate leadership styles in various situations to manage organizational behavior effectively. A Brief Overview of BAPCO and Organizational Behavior: BAPCO is one of the major companies in the Kingdom of Bahrain and the only of its business like, which is the petroleum refining. It was established in 1929 and continues producing a wide range of petroleum products even today. It was jointly owned by the Kingdom of Bahrain and Caltex till 1997, when its full ownership was transferred to the government. BAPCO participate largely in the economy of Bahrain and it employs around 3,000 employees distributed between upstream, the oil production, and downstream, the oil refining. BAPCO is a vibrant and energetic company playing a key role in the development of young Bahrainis. The strategic vision of the company is as follows – â€Å"To manage and operate an integrated oil and gas business, supplying crude oil, pe troleum products and gas to the international and local markets, to create value for our shareholders, customers and employees† (The Bahrain Petroleum Company: Strategic objectives). Training in craft and technical skills has been at the centre of the activities and the Two year programmer, which concluded in May 2008, fulfilled the company vision of creating a pool of talented Bahraini technicians to meet the ever-growing needs of the local industries. Developing young graduates to become the manager of the future has been a pressing concern for the company. BAPCO also supports other major leadership and mentoring programmers, such as the prestigious Crown Prince international scholarship programmer, by providing funding for scholarship, mentors and on the job training opportunities. BAPCO has always shown a strong relationship with its employees through the trade union, and overall spirit of cooperation and this harmony has resulted in constructive resolution of individual a nd companywide issues through regular negotiation meeting. However, there is currently an increased tendency among the PMD (Plant Maintenance employees) to request transfer to other divisions such as ED (Engineering Department) and this has proved to be a major challenge for the general manager of BAPCO to manager this organizational behavior. Organizational behavior: Organizational behavior and culture in organizations are interrelated. Culture in